Audit And Recovery

We are experts and experienced in

Amazon Vendor Central Shortages, chargeback management services, price claims, and chargebacks detailed verification by ASINS and types.
Amazon Seller Central FBA lost and damaged verification and reimbursement
Amazon Vendor Central Early settlement(Term Discount) verification and recovery
Amazon Vendor Central Co-op invoices audit by ASIN by POs to find duplicate or invalid charges
Amazon Seller Central FBA Storage fees verification
Aged debtor and creditor reconciliation and chase accordingly
Verification of customer invoices against payment
Verification of Purchase orders against delivery notes against supplier's (vendors) bills
Returns and refund management
Audit all types of Account Payable and Account receivables ( Purchase invoices, Carrier bills, Credit card payments, bank direct debits or charges )


Audit And Recovery


Doing the right thing, at the
right time, with IdeaBright.


Fund recovered


Years of experience in e-Commerce and IT


Certified staff with 10+ years of experience


Satisfied customers